Zhengding Technology Industrial Park, Hebei, China.
- Clasificación:La exibición
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- Tiempo de emisión:2020-04-10 14:55
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[Descripción resumida]Zhengding Technology Industrial Park, Hebei, China. Accumulated 55 years’ experience and with a total investment of CNY550 million, First Rubber is the researcher and manufacturer of the first Butyl rubber stopper in China. With an annual output of 10 billion pcs rubber stoppers
Zhengding Technology Industrial Park, Hebei, China.
[Descripción resumida]Zhengding Technology Industrial Park, Hebei, China. Accumulated 55 years’ experience and with a total investment of CNY550 million, First Rubber is the researcher and manufacturer of the first Butyl rubber stopper in China. With an annual output of 10 billion pcs rubber stoppers
- Clasificación:La exibición
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- Tiempo de emisión:2020-04-10 14:55
- Visitas:
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